
on 6th September 2020, Kumna manor park, Harju county, Estonia

Specialty Show for Alaskan Malamutes

will take place during Show for Group V

Judge: Maria Weafer (Ireland), back-up judge Loreta Tamaševičienė (Lithuania)

NB! The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the judge if necessary.

Info: Marika Proover +37253048885 (est, eng, rus) , e-mail: alaska@malamuut.org or malamuut.org@gmail.com

Show classes:

Baby class 4 – 6 months Best of Breed Baby will be chosen
Puppy class 6 – 9 months Best of Breed Puppy will be chosen
Junior class 9 – 18 months don’t compete for CAC. Competes for Junior CAC, BOB junior and BOB
Intermediate class 15 – 24 months competes for CAC and BOB
Open class from 15 months competes for CAC and BOB
Working class from 15 months competes for CAC and BOB. Working   certificate required for registration (must be attached to the entry form)
Champion class over 15 months competes for CAC and BOB. Certificate of the title required for registration (must be attached to the entry form).
Veteran class from 8 years don’t compete for CAC. Competes for BOB veteran and BOB and Veteran CAC
Breeders class 3-5 dogs of the same breeder Dogs must come from at least two different combination’s of stud and bitch and must receive at least VG (very   good) at this show. Best of Breed breeder’s class will be chosen
Progeny class 3-5 offspring’s of a stud dog or brood bitch All the offspring’s must come from at least two different combination’s of stud and bitch and must receive at least   VG (very good) at this show. Best of Breed progeny class will be chosen.
Couple competition a male and female dog of the same owner who must receive at least VG (very good) at this show
Best Head and Best Movement chosen by judge
Best Estonian Bred Alaskan Malamute chosen by judge


E-mail:  malamuut.org@gmail.com, entry form, copies of bank transfer and pedigree must be attached
By post: Rohuveski talu, Rahkla küla, Laekvere v. 46503, Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia (entry form, copies of bank transfer and pedigree must be sent).

If you register to champion class please attach the copy of championship diploma. To register to working class please attach the copy of certificate of working trial results. We only accept registration documents and payments delivered before the final date of registrations.



IBAN – EE812200221039285921 (Please put in details of payment the name of your dog)

All extra costs and payment transfers have to be paid by remitter!
Dog will not be entered unless all necessary documents are sent!

Vaccination requirements:

All dogs participating the show must have a valid certificate of vaccination against Distemper, Rabies, Parvovirus infection (canine) and Hepatitis infectious (canine) (for further information please check our web-page: http://www.kennelliit.ee/eng/shows_and_sports/eku_show_calendar/vaccination_requirements.

Advertising in catalog: for private persons black&white 1 page 30€ (till 23.08.2020)

Entry dates and fees:

Due to Covid-19 situation we accept entry based on guarantee letter (click to open).

until 26.04.2020

27.04.- 17.05.2020

Baby, Puppy, Veteran









Entrance fee of first dog includes a catalogue.

NB! During making of catalogue price to all classes to one show 70€ and registration is possible only with previous agreement with organizer of the show.

Breeder & Progeny classes – free

Veterans over 10 years – free

Discount for members of Alaskan Malamute Club of Estonia – 5€ of all prices